
24 Months
Family, Personal, Faith Naomi Johnston Family, Personal, Faith Naomi Johnston

24 Months

In a job where we think we’re here to do good and bring God, light, and the gospel, what I’m finding is that there is a concurrent journey of God bringing light to the darkest recesses of my heart.

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Clinging to the Known
Faith, Personal Naomi Johnston Faith, Personal Naomi Johnston

Clinging to the Known

It’s a common misperception that only the most spiritually devout person can cross oceans and mountains to do this sort of thing, and it’s not a viewpoint that I’m not keen on upholding. The truth is that we were so comfortable in our life that in order to do anything of worth we needed to leave the nest, so to speak.

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Good Grief
Personal Naomi Johnston Personal Naomi Johnston

Good Grief

I’ve said goodbye to so many things since being here, and it is not an understatement to say that I was not prepared for any of them. There have been so many goodbyes. Grief, on the other hand, now that’s not quite so automatic.

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Ready For The Urn
Faith, Personal Naomi Johnston Faith, Personal Naomi Johnston

Ready For The Urn

When jumping off the couch too quickly means twisting an ankle or pulling a muscle, requiring two weeks of care and restoration, one can start to feel a little worse for the wear.

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